
Aerial view of the Monterey Bay from Twin Gates in Santa Cruz. (Photo by Nick Gonzales/UC Santa Cruz)

Labconco Freeze Dryer & Hyrel 30M 3D Printer

Labconco Freeze Dryer on a countertop and Hyrel 30M 3D Printer on a wooden surface with labels indicating their names.

Lab Equipment Set 1

Four laboratory equipment setups, including an atmospheric furnace, an electrochemical workstation with solar simulator, a vapor deposition system, and a glovebox, labeled with descriptions.

Lab Equipment Set 2

Composite image showing: (1) KSL-1100X Muffle Oven, (2) Quincy Lab Ovens Model 20F and 20AF, (3) Land & Neware Battery Testing Systems with a computer.

Lab Equipment Set 3

Image of an Isotemp Vacuum Oven (Model 281A) on the left and a Q500 Qsonica Sonicator on the right with labeled descriptions.